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Here's a collection of games, songs to download, little apps that I've created, and more. To see some screenshots of how RalphvandenBerg.com used to look, check this out. I've also created a little tester for those of you who like to gamble. This Roulette app is free, and you won't lose or win real money.

With the Adlibs you can create your own funny story. You get to choose which words are used before you know what the story is about. The results are usually quite funny. If you're logged in, you can save your stories so that others can read them too.

You can download some of the music that I've made here. The songs are made using a program called Reason, and it's quite fun and challenging to come up with some good tunes.

If you're bored, cheer yourself up with some of these online games. Beware of the addiction that you might attain from playing these games. Don't let their simplicity deceive you!

For some video action posted by yours truly you can subscribe to my YouTube channel or simply use this link as a quicky way to get to my videos.

If you want to catch the latest little snid-bits of information too short to make it to a real Rambling, then follow my tweets.

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Copyright © 2008 - 2024
Website by Ralph van den Berg
All rights reserved

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