Updates of the Web
Posted by: Ralph van den Berg (17 December, 2007)
So, there are 3 things I would like to inform you on. First of all, that wonderful class (Web Entrepreneurship), which has sadly ended, will actually continue online. WebGuruGuide.com will be a forum where web designers can share and gain knowledge about various aspects of web design, search engine optimization, marketing your website, and earning money online.
Which brings me to my second topic: EARN MONEY FROM YOUR WEBSITE! I'm sure you have all heard, used, or atleast seen Google Ads. From those, you the webmaster, earn each time somebody clicks on one of these ads. Pay per Play however, plays a 5 second audio ad, also targeted to the content of your website, and you earn everytime a visitor lands on your page! Sign up today by following any of the links you find on this website, because now there is a limited offer on affiliates.
And thus, my third point of the day. I will soon be moving to www.ralphvandenberg.com! Yes, wonderful christmas! I will keep this site up and running, and start the new one from scratch. This website however, will not be updated anymore, and contain many links to my new URL. On my next website, I will also allow people to comment on the Ramblings, so that actual discussions form. NOTE: Any of the words on this website that turn green... they piss me off!! It's some advertising scheme that this free hosting service pulled on me. There's not going to be any of that on my new website!
Which brings me to my second topic: EARN MONEY FROM YOUR WEBSITE! I'm sure you have all heard, used, or atleast seen Google Ads. From those, you the webmaster, earn each time somebody clicks on one of these ads. Pay per Play however, plays a 5 second audio ad, also targeted to the content of your website, and you earn everytime a visitor lands on your page! Sign up today by following any of the links you find on this website, because now there is a limited offer on affiliates.
And thus, my third point of the day. I will soon be moving to www.ralphvandenberg.com! Yes, wonderful christmas! I will keep this site up and running, and start the new one from scratch. This website however, will not be updated anymore, and contain many links to my new URL. On my next website, I will also allow people to comment on the Ramblings, so that actual discussions form. NOTE: Any of the words on this website that turn green... they piss me off!! It's some advertising scheme that this free hosting service pulled on me. There's not going to be any of that on my new website!

Comment by Ralph van den Berg
Posted on 1 January, 2008This Rambling, and all previous Ramblings are from my old website. As you see here, I refer to "this website", which means that it's actually referring to my old website.
Comment by Ralph van den Berg
Posted on 6 June, 2008Let me update you a bit here, Pay Per Play SUCKS!!! It's annoying and it doesn't work, so don't bother. I've actually still got my account, so I suppose you could still join if you wanted to and be my referral, but I'm not recommending anything.
Comment by Ralph van den Berg
Posted on 6 June, 2008Another update: WebGuruGuide.com is up and running. It actually has been for a while now, but I think I would just like to mention it here because part of the Rambling is about it. Check it out, it's got some articles written by me and fellow classmates and teachers of the best class ever to happen at University.
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