An Ode to Redundancy
Posted by: Ralph van den Berg (29 March, 2008)
I would like to start by beginning with an opening introduction. There's something you might notice about the previous sentence: I am using more words than I really need to. I have thought up a collection of these kinds of redundancies. Some are ridiculous, some need a bit of extra thought, and I'm sure there are many contributions you can make to this list.
Verbal words of the mouth, remembering memories from the past, razor-sharp shaving utensils, a container with things in it, insanely retarded, peace-loving anti-war protesters, a ring-shaped donut, infinitely uncountable, repeatedly saying the same thing again over and over, an odorous smell, owning your possessions that belong to you, descending down, inaudible silence, a sentence filled with words, dispensable trash that you don't really care about anymore, ice melts back to a wet liquid form of water, motorized vehicle of transport, a knife-like cutting tool, paying customers, short abbreviated versions of large words, defining the word "definition", fatally dead, flawlessly perfect without mistakes, three-edged triangles...
I could go on, but why don't you come up with some?
Verbal words of the mouth, remembering memories from the past, razor-sharp shaving utensils, a container with things in it, insanely retarded, peace-loving anti-war protesters, a ring-shaped donut, infinitely uncountable, repeatedly saying the same thing again over and over, an odorous smell, owning your possessions that belong to you, descending down, inaudible silence, a sentence filled with words, dispensable trash that you don't really care about anymore, ice melts back to a wet liquid form of water, motorized vehicle of transport, a knife-like cutting tool, paying customers, short abbreviated versions of large words, defining the word "definition", fatally dead, flawlessly perfect without mistakes, three-edged triangles...
I could go on, but why don't you come up with some?

Comment by Ken
Posted on 2 April, 2008"Paying Customers"? Can't you have "Non-Paying Customers"? :P Another list of Oxymorons would go down very well.... I'd come up with some here, but the comment textbox seems too small!
Comment by Ralph van den Berg
Posted on 2 April, 2008Yes, about "Paying Customers"... That's a thinker-thru. It really depends on what you define as customer. In this case I've decided a customer to be someone who's buying a product or service-- therefore he or she is paying you. In that sense, paying customer... come on, it's not so hard to imagine. Anyway, the oxymorons is something I want to do aswel, but why don't you (ken) start those. We have yet to see a Rambling from you!!!
Comment by Vronnie
Posted on 2 April, 2008paying customers is indeed a great one.....
Comment by Vronnie
Posted on 3 April, 2008inexplicable mystery
Comment by Ralph van den Berg
Posted on 3 April, 2008Do you think "Deafening Silence" is better placed here or in the Top Oxymorons?
Comment by Ralph van den Berg
Posted on 6 May, 2008How about "The smelly part of the fart"?
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