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I'm Just One Person

"I'm just one person, I can't make a difference". All of us probably think this at some point in our lives. That's where the problem lies. We are all just one person. Even those freaky schizophrenic guys who believe otherwise are still just one person. Imagine if everybody at the same time thought that they were just a single individual who couldn't make a difference and it came time to vote for a new country leader. Nobody would vote, because nobody thinks his or her vote will count. Then what?

We run into the exact same phenomenon when it comes to the environment. Now I can hear you moan "no, not the environment, I'm sick of hearing about the environment. Who do you think you are? Al Gore?" I'm not trying to say that we all need to save the environment, but we all need to save the environment... Were you just thinking that you are just one person and you can't make a difference? What about that single coke can, it's not going to destroy the planet all by itself? It's all about a united bunch of individuals. One person can't do anything, but if everybody tried, then something would get done. We don't need some big brother to watch us, or somebody to organize this. We all know what to do, but we think we don't count.

A bigger problem is when we think "ah, someone else will take care of that". That's when we swallow the cyanide. If everybody thinks that someone else will take care of whatever it is that needs taken care of, then it will never get done. Sorry I'm gonna talk about the environment again, because it's the best and most relevant example. We stupid humans keep thinking that someone else will clean up the trash, someone else will stop pollution, someone else will save the planet. No, man! There is no someone else! There's you, and you and you. Nobody else is going to care if we kill the planet.

So now when we start getting the idea, we sink deeper into our hole of ignorance. Somebody else will read this, and somebody else will take it to heart and start being an environmentalist. Cut the shit. I don't want anybody thinking that somebody else is even reading this. I don't even want comments on this Rambling. You are the only one who's reading this, and you are the one who's got to think for yourself.

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Comment by Toh Phromchitmart

Posted on 13 June, 2008
I agree with the ideas if we stick with the stupid then there are no KFC cause the founder is a soildier hahaha Like the goose boy Thai people has S syndrome they pronounce everything by end of S so I'll make a goose boy is a legend Gaggggg What a hell is that boy again ??? A goose boy sir !

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